I like this. In a sick kind of way.
It's been one hell of a ride watching myspace go from a seriously curious and possibly hopeful platform for communication to a cluttered subreality as seedy as any redlight district in the world. All these people trying to do the hustle selling themselves, someone else or something, anything. It went from personal to moronic in only a couple of years. Amazing.
I am curious to where it goes from here. Nowhere good obviously. Or maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's becoming the slum of the web. Internet favelas? Any takers?
Personally I haven't had the time or energy to maintain my activity there when I'm not on tour, life is to eventful and engaging and it kinda leaves me wondering; If the only time I can really invest any serious time is when I have nothing but time on my hands, what kind of life are all these other people on myspace and sites like it doing with their lives?
We've been toying with calling the next The Haunted album WhatEverMan, as that seems to be the definite idiom of the times.
Whatever man!
"War here, war there? Whateverman..."
Indifference is most definitely a sign of hopeless submission, and if there was ever a time as clearly indifferent as now I am hard to find it. We have access to greater amounts of knowledge, more information and faster ways of communication and all it seems to do is paralyze us.
Instead vest our lives to ever greater stretches of extravagant superficial behaviour and attitudes. Even the traditional channels of coreless dung, like MTV etc. are lost in this game.
Who gives a shit anyway? Fashion and trends are mere composites of the neverending onslaught of information. Sure, the Hannah Montanas, Bratz and Ben 10 fervors will still occoúr, as luminescent as ever before, but if these strikes of luck for individual creators were fickle before, they are mere sparks today.
The modern consumer?
"Yeah whateverman"
It's funny to watch how teenage style is becoming bland and unimaginative as a result of their utter nihilism. Why even bother, right? Nothing is right.
Everyone gives a conflicting piece of information and how is some puberty stricken teen going to be able to decode something with no actual core message at all? Certainly there are those who do. But they are the fringe kids. They don't even watch TV. They couldn't give a shit about who can afford an iPhone or who twitters. They are the downfall of the middleclass. The uneducated, the low wage bearers of society. The ones who'd rather go to a HCshow in their own hood than hit the city and the check out the generic rockstars who are in town. And there has never in history been as many of them as there is today.
White middle class America and Europe is capzising. Don't believe me? Think the "depression" is over? Hardly my friend. It's just begun. The New Dawn of True Corporatism has just begun. The Obama administration and the corporate turnover of the EU has turned democracy on its head. We are ultimatly living in the first real oligarchic dictatorship since Roman times. How we react?
With indifference, confusion and apathy. Of course.
Everything is going according to plan. The people who call the shots are not stupid. Not even evil. They just want to be right. It's a human desire. The ego compels us to try to be right. And when reality collides with what we believe and what we desire our own brains try to get us the hell out the situation we find ourselves in. Indifference is one symptom. Hyper consumption is another.
It's perfect for anyone with a few bucks to invest and a Machiavellian mindset. All one needs now is control over everything. Since the only way to really make a profit when everything goes, is to control it. Simple as that.
Wonder if that's even possible?
Of course it is. Look around, who owns what? Who controls world around you? Obviously it's not politicans or populist movements. The entire western world is now in the finalizing stages of total corporate control. It's gonna be fine new era. I look forward to watching it fully bloom, it is going to make anything we've seen before in history pale in comparison. Awe. That's what I feel.
I'll run like a mutherfucker and stay the hell away from urban culture and "city"-folk as much as I possibly can. Honestly, people scare the living Buh-jeezus out of me.
Peace / Pete
In my opinon a company/coporate has only one thing to its mind.....profit!
SvaraRaderaIts a horrible near future your discribing!
It´s scary as hell, but definitly not untrue.
SvaraRaderaI wish that there was anything that could be done from where I´m standing, but it´s overwhelming what´s happening.
I agree with you. I've been thinking about this new era of "social networking", how everyone claim facebook has brought a change to how their interact with their friends and relatives, but really, I do not think it's interaction. That is merely a minor part of the floods of needless, hacked up information you do not need, and you do not want to know. And the fact is, someone own's Facebook too, and that guy/s is/are nigga-rich right now. And practically you are not the user, but the product sold to advertisers, just like here in Google. I work with children now and they don't seem to have the simpliest idea of anything besides how to use facebook, or MSN, they don't even understand how the browser works or what internet actually is. I'm not "old"-old, but old enough to remember times without internet, and I'm glad I have such a different world to compare this one to. And I get chills when I think how completely different the world was for even ten to fifteen years ago... Thanks for the post, even though my reaction is somewhat "late."